Page 19 - Swiss Harmony
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Source Effects Freiburg Appeal Prognosis+Truth Meaning Solution
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Tested and measured
Once again, we wanted to make sure and asked Olaf Baumunk, Director of the Institute for Resonance Phenomena in Häusern, Baden-
Cologne, Germany. Our clients were Elisabeth and Michael L., an employed couple aged around 60 years. They have lived there for over 20 years.
We made a  rst measurement in Mr. and Mrs. L‘s dining room. The results were to serve as baseline values and to give us an idea of their health status without a harmonization.
The second measurement was also performed in the dining room; approximately 4.5 hours after the installation, of the harmonization equipment, had been completed. The results of the measurements shown on the left page once again present unequivocal evidence that Swiss Harmony is able to make a tremendous difference in matters of life quality and  tness.
Württemberg, to accompany us during a harmo- nization and take measurements with one of his numerous test devices to elucidate to what extent a harmonization bears an in uence on the inhabitants of a building.
Olaf Baumunk chose the DINAMIKA® System and the Nilas MV® software, which together are certi ed, according to European standards, as a class IIa medical device.
The building to be harmonized was a semi- detached house of less than 250 square meters (2690 sq ft) living space located in a suburb of

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