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Freiburg Appeal
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Why is electrosmog harmful?
The strength of our body’s electrical current is described as being four picoamps. In contrast, the electrical current
damage, to the biologically important organiza- tion of life, might ensue and result in various types of related diseases.
The consequences of this fundamental disturbance of self-regulation has often been scienti cally demonstrated: increased permeability of the protective blood-brain barrier, alteration of brain waves, disordered release of neurotransmitters and hormones (especially the rise of stress hormone levels), damage to the immune system and genetic information, and decrease of fertility, just to mention a few of the most striking examples. It is becoming increasingly obvious that oxidative cell stress is the central action mechanism underlying the radiation effects, the main cause of many diseases.
(Source: Freiburger-Appell)
surging through mobile/cellular and cordless phones is 0.2 amps. This is  fty billion times stronger. If you take into account that the human body performs one trillion electrical connections every second, it becomes clear what kind of irritations we have to cope with.
The life of humans, animals and plants are controlled by the minutest, electromagnetic impulses (biophotons) and signals. Owing to their very low to extremely high frequency ranges, arti cially generated  elds can interfere profoundly with the processes of biological metabolism and human cell commu- nication. An organism‘s self-healing powers might initially be capable of compensating for such disturbances by means of  nely tuned regulatory mechanisms. In case of sustained electromagnetic stress, however, chronic

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