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Source Effects Freiburg Appeal Prognosis+Truth Meaning Solution
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The appeal of over 1,000 physicians
Already more than 15 years ago physicians who were concerned about the health of the people turned to their colleagues, the public, and those who
observed an obvious increase of symptoms such as problems falling asleep and staying asleep, chronic fatigue, headaches, migraine, vertigo, tinnitus, unhealthy blood pressure levels and arrhythmias, concentration and memory problems, learning and behavioral disorders, and a more frequent incidence of ADHD, especially among children.
In 2008, the Russian National Committee of Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection RNCNIRP warned against the serious consequences and irreparable effects of electromagnetic radia- tion especially on children and enhanced its warning once again in 2011. In 2015, an appeal was addressed to the United Nations and all their member states, which was signed by 206 scientists from 40 counties.
All 206 researchers were authors of scienti c studies, i.e. a total of more than 2,000 publica- tions, which proved the unequivocal effects of electromagnetic and high-frequency  elds on humans.
are responsible in health care and politics
with the Freiburg Appeal. This appeal, which urgently warned against the risks of mobile communication radiation and electrosmog was translated into many languages and supported by more than 36,000 signatories worldwide. The German Medical Association supported the petition of the “International Conference of Cell Tower Siting” in Salzburg on 7/8 June 2000 and demanded that the threshold limit values applicable to mobile phone radiation should be drastically lowered.
Ever since that time, indications of serious risks grew in number and consolidated all over the globe. Especially when mobile phones, DECT telephones, WiFi and nearby transmitting antennas were intensively used, physicians

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